




GA型 HA型可伸缩万向节



Type GA and HA;extendable

Precision double joint-extendable, maximum
Articulation angle 30 for each joint
Bridging of bigger shaft distances
•GA 型(滑动轴承)nmax=1000 min-1
Type GA(plain bearing) nmax=1000 min-1
•HA 型(滚针轴承)nmax=4000 min-1
Type HA (needle bearing) nmax=4000 min-1
Available with finish bore H7-on request with keyway, hexagon bore or square bore


尺寸 Lmin/Lmax=标准长度 Dimensions Lmin/Lmax. Standard lengthes
01 140 160 180 230          
170 200 240 330          
02 160 180 200 220 250 280 300    
wo 225 2/0 300 355 420 450    
03 170 180 200 220 250 280 300 350 400
200 220 260 300 350 420 450 550 650
04 190 210 240 250 275 300 380 400
210 250 350 350 390 430 590 630  
05 230 250 270 290 300 400 500    
280 320 370 400 415 620 820    
06 250 270 290 320 380 420 500    
300 340 380 400 560 640 800    
07 250 270 290 330 350 470      
280 320 350 430 470 710      
  295 310 350 380 420 460 500    
Vo 345 375 450 500 590 660 745    
09 330 350 370 400 450 500 540    
380 420 455 510 620 720 795    
HA型带滚针轴承rimax=4000 min-1
Type HA needle bearing nmax=4000 min-1
GA型带滑动轴承nmax=1000 min
Type GA plain bearing nmax=1000 min-1
HA型带滚针轴承rimax=4000 min-1
Type HA needle bearing nmax=4000 min-1

规格Size dld2
D L2 C LmiiL/Lniax./X B a
b Q[H8] sw [H8] D1
01 GA 01 HA 10 22 48 12 根据用户要求决定
T.min /T.max
30 3 11.4 10 10 22
02 GA 02 HA 12 25 56 13 40 4 13.8 12 12 26
03 GA 03 HA 14 28 60 13 40 5 16.3 14 14 29
04 GA 04 HA 16 32 68 16 40 5 183 16 16 32
05 GA 05 HA 18 36 74 17 40 6 20.8 18 18 37
06 GA 06 HA 20 42 82 18 45 6 22.8 20 20 42
07 GA 07 HA 22 45 95 22 50 6 24.8 22 22 47
08 GA 08 HA 24 50 108 26 50 8 283 25 25 52
09 GA 09 HA 30 58 122 29 60 8 33.3 30 30 58
10GA 10HA 35 70 140 35 70 10 38.3 - - 70
11 GA 11HA 40 80 160 40 80 12 43.3 - - 80
12 GA 12 HA 50 95 190 50 90 14 53.8 - 95
安装长度 L 和 X(行程)的计算 Ca I cu I at i on of mount i ng lengthes L and X (Stroke)
Stroke form
Lmax. 2L2 B
1-mln- 2
最小尺寸 minimum dimension Lmin Lmin. =L2+B+X+L2
0订货描述示 例:
Order form:
06GA 012/012 550/650 A (B、C、D)内孔结构形式
规格与型号Size/type of joint 成品孔径Finish bore (H7) 安 氏 Lmin/Lmax
Mounting length
A(B、C、D)bore Design Form
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